YA literary Short Story based on the Greek mythological tale of Orion.
Ryann in the sky is a short read but it is packed with a lot of punch! Ryann is in her senior at school and she is playing her last year of high school volley ball. She is the captain of her team and she feels like everything is coming together nicely. She is still reeling from the death of her father but she seems to be doing better everyday. Then Ryann's dream is taken from her and she must learn to accept things for what they are.
This story is about love, loss and learning to crawl before you walk. Sometimes adversities snatch the last breathe from a person and you have to learn how to dust yourself off and pick yourself up and move on. Ryann learns how to do that with the help of her father's memories and in the end she is the champion her father always told her she was.
This is a great summer read! Read on the beach, in the boat or in the car but read it because you'll love it just like I did!

I write young adult fiction, my stories include sci-fi, fantasy, and literary themes. In 2012 I earned my bachelors degree in Liberal Studies, I studied Humanities and Creative Writing. When I’m not writing and spending time with my family, I volunteer with the community of burn survivors in Oklahoma. I’ve been a counselor at Oklahoma Firefighters’ Burn Camp since 1999, and I’m a new member of TABS, a support group for patients at the Alexander Burn Center at Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa. I’m also a burn survivor.
In our home, the females outnumber the male, but we let him be king. He does treat us ladies like royalty. My interests include: being a good Mom, being a supportive Wife, pretending to cook and faking my way through gardening. I also really love being outdoors with my kids and teaching them about life and science, as I understand it. And I thoroughly enjoy my hammock that my husband gave me for Mother’s Day in 2009. It never tumps.
Here is a little something Jamie Shared with us readers.......
“Ryann in the Sky” Guest Blog Post
Join the party already!
Admit it, wouldn’t you rather stay at home and throw a pity party sometimes instead of actually leaving the house to be social? When my second daughter was born and I had a toddler who needed me at every waking (and non-wakeful) moment, I never left my house unless I absolutely had to. (Screaming fits in the Wal-Marts, anyone?) I’ve just always enjoyed being alone, I’m a homebody. Well, let me tell ya, there’s nothin’ like a severe case of postpartum depression to change one’s perspective…on everything.
In “Ryann in the Sky,” my protagonist faces also some difficult, emotional trials in her young life. She feels alone and wants to withdraw from her mother and her friends. It takes some interference by an elderly man to show her that withdrawing from society and trying to fight your battles alone is not always the best way:
“You ought to get back up there. That’s where the party is. A young girl like you ain’t got no business wasting away all by yourself out here.” He pauses right in front of me. “These hard times will pass Ryann, you’ll see. You got to rise up and meet the challenge when life hits below the belt.”
Once I joined the party happening outside my house, my mood(s) lifted. I created and forced myself to attend situations for social interaction. (Of course my doctor played a role in all of this. I had to WANT to create the situations first.)
Nowadays, meeting a friend for coffee or lunch is not torture, it’s liberation. There’s a party every day. There’s a party everywhere! And just like Ryann, I’m gonna be my own hero and save me from myself. *Fist Pump!*
Jammie Kern is the author of the young adult short story, "Ryann in the Sky," in the Mythology High series by Buzz Books USA. The digital short is available where ebooks are sold for .99. Her next short story will release Labor Day weekend. Kern is raising daughters, raising chickens for fresh eggs, raising an organic vegetable garden in NE Oklahoma, and raising some eyebrows at www.jammiekern.com
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