Book: Concealed in the Shadows
Author: Gabrielle Arrowsmith
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Genre: (YA Dystopian)
Released: May 17, 2013
Sydney Harter has long awaited September 12th, 2033—her eighteenth birthday. She can finally apply for guardianship of her sister, who is her only family and entire world. She hopes they will be lawfully reunited, but is prepared to defy authority and risk everything to escape the captivity of Miles County so that they can be together.
Escaping will be difficult and dangerous. Citizens are bound to their county by sophisticated chip implants that deliver shocks to those who dare to cross the electric barrier. Sydney is very clever, but her trickery is limited against the all-seeing eyes of technology. Even if they were to survive the escape, disappearing into the forgotten forests and towns of the past seems an impossible task.
What Sydney doesn't know is that she is the particular interest of two opposing forces. With deceit, fear, and warfare surrounding her—can she trust the party that aims to help with her fight against the other? Can she open her heart to receive and return unexpected love? When her sister’s life becomes jeopardized, Sydney will have to weigh a new love against the only enduring love she has known. The cost could be deadly…
How will she choose?
My Review
5 of 5 Shadows
Concealed In The Shadows is a book that will leave you breathless! Man this Dystopian genre is really starting to kick up because I never read that genre until my best reading buddy Kayleigh told me about it and now I am just simply hooked. I can't get enough of this genre and it feels like every new book I read it takes me on another journey. CITS had so much action and suspense and strong characters I could not put this book down.
Sydney has been patiently waiting on her eighteenth birthday which is September 12. She is excited because she will be turning 18 and she will also be able to apply for guardianship of her sister. Her sister is all the family she has left and she wants to spend every waking moment with her. If they do not give her guardianship she has decided she will try and run even though she knows she won't make it far because she has a chip in here that will shock her if she tries to leave.
What Sydney doesn't know is that she is wanted by two sides albeit they are opposing sides. They want her for their own agenda and when they approach her she will have to figure out who to trust and who not to trust. She will also have to follow her gut because her sisters life is at stake. What is Sydney to do? Run or follow but if she follows who is she going to trust to follow?
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Thank you A Diary of a Book Addict for hosting Concealed in the Shadows! I hope you enjoy this future of America newspaper article (From the world of Concealed in the Shadows) and the giveaway!
~Gabrielle Arrowsmith
January 2015- Headlight-Herald: Yes To Counties
Vote NO! Chip Implants: An Extreme Violation of Rights
Above all else, the United States of America has been a shinning symbol of democracy and freedom. Thank God we are still exercising democratic policy so that we the people can vote to protect our right to liberty.
I still don’t believe that we truly voted to deprive ourselves of geographical freedom but, nonetheless, “county” living will soon be our reality. The government is now trying to pass chip implants off as the only way that they can enforce the law that we supposedly passed.
The propaganda states that the chips’ ability to track citizens will not only enforce our civic duty to be selfless and live in within a specified circle, but that they will help locate kidnapped children, abducted adults, and people with Alzheimer’s or mental illnesses who are lost. Really, the chips will allow the government to track citizens’ every move. That is a severe invasion of privacy, especially for those individuals who are leaders of the current protests.
The chips are also being advocated for because they will eliminate the need for paper money–lowering our national debt and reducing crimes like identity theft and the purchase of illegal substances. But since the government will have omniscient control of these chips, do we really trust that their automatic tax withdrawal will be fair? Personally, I don’t put it past them to give unlawful breaks to their preferred businesses, thus driving the economy as they see fit.
Perhaps most concerning is that the chips will monitor individuals’ health. With an ever-increasing rise in cancer and other fatal illnesses, the opportunity to catch these and other diseases early can be alluring. However, I happen to know that Congress’ next draft of the relocation bill will include stipulations on population growth. In fact, I believe this push may take the front seat from energy conservation. Pregnancies beyond the allowance or of a certain type will be considered a health concern. I fear what the technological advance chips might be able to do in such cases.
Mandatory chip implants are an extreme violation of our rights. We must not be so naïve as to think the historically proven ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ is not applicable to our country. Yes, our duty is to protect the future of our country. De-unifying our strong nation and putting unprecedented power in the hands of its leaders is not my suggestion for safeguarding the existence and success of The United States of America. I will vote no. I beg you to consider what could become, and do the same.

About This Author:
Gabrielle Arrowsmith was born to her loving mother, father, and older brother on August 16th, 1988. She grew up in the small town of Ham Lake, MN enjoying soccer, school, and adventuresome play with her brother and cousins.
As she grew older, her desire to write led her to fill many diaries and notebooks with her thoughts, poems, stories, and scripts. Her other childhood hobbies included reading, playing soccer, acting, and playing piano.
Gabrielle recalls high school as the time when she first believed in the worth of her writing. Her AP Language and Literature course both challenged and celebrated her craft. Aiming for perfection caused her to slave over her work, but only so much as to allow time for her other college-level courses, soccer, track, National Honor Society, and school plays.
From 2006-2009 she attended the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN where she earned a degree in Elementary Education. Atypical of a college student, Gabrielle looked forward to writing papers in her various courses. Gabrielle played collegiate soccer for the Saints, held work-study positions, acted in theater productions, and volunteered often.
Since college, Gabrielle has enjoyed teaching third through sixth graders in various school settings. She is now substitute teaching in order to pursue her passion for storytelling through both writing and acting. She also continues to play and coach soccer.
Where to find Gabrielle:
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Thanks for hosting! I appreciate the support of your blog!! :)
And thanks also for reviewing the novel!! :)
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