Sophie’s life has changed. She’s moved to New York, she’s playing music for new people, and she’s making new friends. Then there’s Myles, and the fact that he is now her boyfriend—and everyone knows it. There are a lot of new things to take in, but Sophie has no problem adjusting.
She’s not exactly normal, living in a half-human, half-vampire world, but she’s finally, truly happy. But some parts of Sophie and Myles’ old life still hide in the dark, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.
Sophie’s having nightmares again, but they aren’t about her; Myles is hiding something that she’s not sure she wants to know.
And one lie will change everything.
No matter how hard she tries to cover up the marks her monsters have left behind, they never truly go away, and Myles’ monsters are no different.
Once again, Sophie’s caught between life and death, but this time, only she can save herself.
My Review
5 of 5 Sun poisoned
Nikki..... Nikki...... Nikki..... HOLY F^&%$#@ S*&^!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an AMAZING no PHENOMENAL no wait I can't find the right word for what this sequel is.... ABSOLUTELY F^&*%$# AMAZING! Lord when I started reading it I was transported into the lives of Myles my man man and Sophie. I love Sophie to pieces because she has survived so much and in Sun Poisoned she really comes into herself and stands up for what she believes in. I swear I am going to try and not do spoilers because you have to read this book in order to get the full effect of what is going on and where Sophie and Myles are going. If you read book one Sunshine then you know that Sophie and Myles had a rough go round with their relationship and being together. So her eis the continuation of their story and what a story it is. Lord I LOVED it and when I got to the end I was like HOLY COW what the heck I need book three like I need air to breathe!
Sophie and Myles are in New York starting over together. They are out in the open with their relationship and Sophie and Myles are finally happy or are they? Sophie is living the life with her music and new friends and her open love for Myles. Myles... Myles.... you made me sad, mad, and down right pissed at you in this book! I love you but dammit get your crap together and stop with the secrets because Sophie's nightmares came back full force and the gig is up for you. Myles is still keeping secrets and when they reveal themselves S&^% hits the fan and Sophie is left to decide if this is all worth it. Is it worth her life?
Sophie will have to make some serious decisions and when she does it will not be pretty. She will have to choice between life and death.... Myles or nothing.... what will she choose?
The Playlist For Sun Poisoned:
1. Long Jacket- Cake
2. Everyone I Know Has Fangs- He is Legend
3. Die Monster, Die- The Misfits
4. Conversation 16- The National
5. Rusted Wheel- The Silversun Pickups
6. 10lb Mustache- Man Man
7. Liar- Mumford & Sons
8. Oh Comely- Neutral Milk Hotel
9. No surprises- Radiohead
10. Spanish Sahara- Foals
18 year old Sophie Jean is pretty good at acting normal. Sure, she’s not exactly happy, but happiness is nothing compared to being like everyone else. She can pretend she’s not allergic to the sun. She can hide what her ex-boyfriend did to her. She can cover up the scars she’s made for herself. Ignore anything. Forget anything. Then Myles enters her life, and he has more than a few secrets of his own. When accident after accident keeps happening to Sophie, she can’t help noticing that he’s everywhere. That he knows too much. That she’s remembering too much.
It’s one thing covering up her own dark past, but does she really need to worry about people finding out just how much Myles likes her? Or that despite how much she doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes, she kind of likes him back? Not to mention the fact that she now has to conceal that Myles drinks blood-that he says he’s about four hundred years old.
She almost forgot about that part.
But Sophie has no plans to ruin the normal life she has created for herself. She can deal with this little glitch, no problem. Even if word has gotten around to the wrong vampire about Sophie and Myles, even if she’s putting the few people she loves at risk. Suddenly, those who were monsters before are just people, and the monsters? They’re real. Now being a normal human being is the least of her problems. Now she has to stay alive.
My Review
5 of 5 Sunshine
Sunshine is one of those books that takes you by surprise. First I have to say that I love the cover. The cover and the blurb grabbed me right from the beginning and I knew I had to read it. As most of you know I love me some Vampire books. I just love how each author puts a different spin on it and Nikki does a great job telling this Vampire story.
The main character Sophie is a beautiful smart girl who is given a crap life. Her mother is a piss poor mother who is selfish and does not take care of Sophie. She has an older brother who looks out for her and keeps her safe from people. Sophie also has one problem she is allergic to the sun. Lord what a nightmare! She is treated like a leper by her mother. Her mother thinks that the doctors can help her but Sophie is not trying which is not true so her brother protects her from her crazy as hell mother.
Then the new boy comes to school and Sophie's two best friends encourage her to talk to him. Myles the new boy talks to Sophie but she is weary of people so she does not talk to many people except her best friends. At first Sophie is leery of Myles because she has had a rough life and a rough go with boys. Her ex-boyfriend is a tool so she does not allow herself to get to close to boys. But there is something about Myles and he wears her down and she lets him into her life. One thing they both have in common are secrets and when Sophie finds out what Myles secret is she finds out she is a target because Myles is a vampire and the head Vampire does not like the fact that Myles is with Sophie.
What are these two going to do once the dust settles? Can they be together? Will the head vampire kill Myles? This is such a must read book. Plus at the beginning of every chapter Nikki puts a song to go with the chapter and I have to say that Nikki girl you have great taste in music! Go on out and read this book!

Author Bio:
Nikki Rae is a student and writer who lives in New Jersey. When she is not writing, thinking, or reading, she is most likely hanging out with her gecko, Neil Gaiman, drawing in a quiet corner, or drinking tea by the gallon. Sunshine is her first book.
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