Secrets (Serenity Series #1)
Author: Dawn Kirby
Publisher: Dark Dragon Publishing (http://www.darkdragonpublishing.com/index.html)
Will Be Published: July 29, 2012
Format: Ebook and Paperback
It is said that the truth will set you free, but for Leah it kills.
Leah always knew she was different. From her extreme light sensitivity, to her ability to read people by their auric scent, she kept these differences secret.
Not even Mia, Leah's mother, knew the fullness of her daughter's differences, but she held even greater secrets to Leah's past - the truth about her father and Leah's conception.
With the escape of an old foe, Mia is too late to reveal to her daughter
the truth before Judith can exact her revenge in a wash of blood and death.
Thrown into a world unheard of, Leah discovers that she is not alone in keeping her secrets. That there are people from her parent's past who would die to protect her. If she only knew why.
Raine, placed as her protector, hides deadly secrets of his own. Drawn to each other, Leah and Raine must uncover the truth before one of both are killed.
Leah always knew she was different. From her extreme light sensitivity, to her ability to read people by their auric scent, she kept these differences secret.
Not even Mia, Leah's mother, knew the fullness of her daughter's differences, but she held even greater secrets to Leah's past - the truth about her father and Leah's conception.
With the escape of an old foe, Mia is too late to reveal to her daughter
the truth before Judith can exact her revenge in a wash of blood and death.
Thrown into a world unheard of, Leah discovers that she is not alone in keeping her secrets. That there are people from her parent's past who would die to protect her. If she only knew why.
Raine, placed as her protector, hides deadly secrets of his own. Drawn to each other, Leah and Raine must uncover the truth before one of both are killed.
Smashwords (https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/169730)
The Publisher (http://darkdragonpublishing.com/secrets.html)
I just want to give Illuminated Tours a HUGE THANK YOU for allowing me to be on this tour. Without them I would have never known about this book. Secrets is one of those books that needs more air time. I have to tell you I love my wolves and vampires so when I started to read a found that they were in this book I was jumping for joy. Secrets is a great title for this book to because there are so many secrets it is hard to keep up with them. At every turn I was like no way why would they do that.
Leah is a recent graduate from college working at her mothers store. She is happy and content but there is just one thing nagging Leah. She really wants to know who her father is. Her mother Mia keeps it a secret from her and Leah really just wants some answers. She knows she is different from others because she has these super senses and she can feel and taste things normal new adults can't.
Leah will soon find out that secrets have been kept from her and she will be in danger very soon. See her mother Mia forgot to tell her things or maybe she just thought it was not the right time but when the secrets come out Leah is in danger and must flee. When she does she meets Raine at the safe house she is staying. Raine is instantly enthralled by Leah and they begin building a friendship that will turn into a romance. But Raine has secrets to and he does not want them to get out. He really does care for Leah but he thinks his secrets will destroy what they just built up.
Raine helps Leah come to terms with her special powers and helps her accept them for what they are. Raine will protect Leah at any cost from the werewolves that want her dead. Raine will risk it all to protect the girl he loves. This is a NEW ADULT read meaning it is for 18 years and older. I really loved Secrets and I need the second book ASAP because the ending had me throwing the book across the room because I needed more! Dawn you did an excellent job on Secrets and congrats on the series!

About the Author: By day, Dawn is a typical mom running around after her children, catering to her husband’s needs, acting as a taxi driver, and gourmet chef living in Odessa, Texas, with her husband, and three children. Then by night she falls into a world filled with shirtless werewolves, lethal vampires, and dangerous adventures.
Her short stories have been published in Seven Deadly Sins (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13517087-seven-deadly-sins) and 13 Tales of Paranormal (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12852482-13-tales-of-the-paranormal)
Author Blog: http://dawnmkirby.wordpress.com/
Author on Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5268211.Dawn_Kirby
Author on Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/DawnMKirby
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Secrets/302970983827
Twitter: http://twitter.com/secretswriter
A Glimpse into the Leading Man: Raine
Author Dawn Kirby gives readers an inside look into the character of Raine from Secrets.
I think we all have a “dream type”. The beauty of being a writer is that we can give that certain type; guy or gal, a kind of life. We can take all the characteristics we want and even some we might not, jumble them up and create that perfect “other”.
In my case it would be a man. And that man already has a name.
Meet Raine. My mysterious leading man. Six foot nine inches tall. All muscle and gorgeous beyond belief. Light brown, shoulder length hair you can run your fingers through all day long. Gorgeous blue-gray eyes that burn like lightening when he’s angry. Beautifully chiseled features. And best of all, he smells like rain.
Now all that doesn’t make him supernatural, but it does make him pretty darn irresistible. The supernatural part comes in the secrets he has to keep to stay alive. I can say he’s a werewolf, but that’s not all he is. The rest makes him one of a kind and very hard to turn your back on. If nothing else it makes you want to protect him more.
He doesn’t have an out going personality. In fact, he’s much more introverted than his older brother, Kale. That makes him cautious. That makes him hard to impress. Any feelings he has toward you, you can bet are completely genuine. He’d go through hell and back for the people he loves, but he needs to know they will do the same.
He also has a temper. Not that it’s a bad thing. I find a little hot-under-the-collar quite intriguing, but if it gets the most of him it consumes him. As a human he’s scary enough. As an animal he’s a force to be recocked with. Meeting him in a dark alley on a bad day would be hazardous to your health. If I were to say he had a weakness his temper would definitely be it.
Author Blog: http://dawnmkirby.wordpress.com/
Author on Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5268211.Dawn_Kirby
Author on Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/DawnMKirby
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Secrets/302970983827
Twitter: http://twitter.com/secretswriter
A Glimpse into the Leading Man: Raine
Author Dawn Kirby gives readers an inside look into the character of Raine from Secrets.
I think we all have a “dream type”. The beauty of being a writer is that we can give that certain type; guy or gal, a kind of life. We can take all the characteristics we want and even some we might not, jumble them up and create that perfect “other”.
In my case it would be a man. And that man already has a name.
Meet Raine. My mysterious leading man. Six foot nine inches tall. All muscle and gorgeous beyond belief. Light brown, shoulder length hair you can run your fingers through all day long. Gorgeous blue-gray eyes that burn like lightening when he’s angry. Beautifully chiseled features. And best of all, he smells like rain.
Now all that doesn’t make him supernatural, but it does make him pretty darn irresistible. The supernatural part comes in the secrets he has to keep to stay alive. I can say he’s a werewolf, but that’s not all he is. The rest makes him one of a kind and very hard to turn your back on. If nothing else it makes you want to protect him more.
He doesn’t have an out going personality. In fact, he’s much more introverted than his older brother, Kale. That makes him cautious. That makes him hard to impress. Any feelings he has toward you, you can bet are completely genuine. He’d go through hell and back for the people he loves, but he needs to know they will do the same.
He also has a temper. Not that it’s a bad thing. I find a little hot-under-the-collar quite intriguing, but if it gets the most of him it consumes him. As a human he’s scary enough. As an animal he’s a force to be recocked with. Meeting him in a dark alley on a bad day would be hazardous to your health. If I were to say he had a weakness his temper would definitely be it.
He’s loving. Extremely loving. Everything he does is for his other half. Despite being strong enough to rip any enemy apart in her defense, he fights with her. They are equals. He never makes her feel inadequate and he never misses a chance to show her how he feels about her. What woman could ever resist that?
Blog Tour Set Up By Illuminated Tours:
Blog Tour Set Up By Illuminated Tours:
1 comment:
Thank you so much for being a part of the tour, Tee! I can't tell you how much your time is appreciated. I'm so glad you enjoyed SECRETS.
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