No one has ever believed that Mo and Annie are just friends. How can a guy and a girl really be best friends?
Then the summer before senior year, Mo’s father loses his job, and by extension his work visa. Instantly, life for Annie and Mo crumbles. Although Mo has lived in America for most of his life, he’ll be forced to move to Jordan. The prospect of leaving his home is devastating, and returning to a world where he no longer belongs terrifies him.
Desperate to save him, Annie proposes they tell a colossal lie—that they are in love. Mo agrees because marrying Annie is the only way he can stay. Annie just wants to keep her best friend, but what happens when it becomes a choice between saving Mo and her own chance at real love?
My Review
5 of 5 Reed
Can I just say WOW and WOW again because The Vow is one of those books that will take you there and by there I mean it will have you thinking about things you never ever thought you would think about.So I have to give kudos to Jessica Martinez for doing her homework and creating a story that crosses every boundary known to man. Lord first off getting married at 17 or 18 is a crazy idea but then marrying your best friend is even crazier and the reason behind said marriage is even crazier than I expected. Imagine two people from two different worlds coming together to have one common goal and that is to keep a friendship alive and allow the other person to have a life they would not have if they were in another country. A lot of babble here at first but it is necessary because I have seen a lot of negative reviews for this book and I just don't get it. Some have even said the book should not have been written well to them I say the book should be written and has been written and published. If you do not like the contents of the book then you should not have read it. It states clearly that the boy is from Jordan and the girl is American. Once again I say to Jessica KUDOS and mad props to you for stepping outside the box and doing something that is not normally done.
Mo and Annie have been friends best friends for years and things are about to change and not in a good way. Mo's father has lost his visa to be in America and is moving back to Jordan with his family. Mo and Annie are crushed and that is when Annie decides she will do whatever it takes to keep her best friend in the states. What unfolds from there is the crux of the story and I do not want to ruin it for anyone who is willing to give this book a try. Annie will sacrifice much more than Mo and in the end what happens for both of them is amazing. I have never read a book where I am rooting for something that is not conventional but this book brings it out of you and it makes you want to be there right there with the characters and wanting to help them make the right decisions but when the decisions are made and the dust settles there will be lots of heart ache and lots of regrets and lots of love to go around. Give this book a chance because it might just be something you will enjoy.

I was born and raised in Calgary, Canada. As a child I played the violin, read books and climbed trees incessantly. I went on to study English and music at Brigham Young University, and since then have been a high school English teacher, symphony violinist, elementary school teacher, violin teacher, and mother. I currently live in Orlando, Florida with my husband and two children.
Less Briefly:
My childhood was crazy. It was a happy one and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but...kind of crazy. The madness started with my parents wedging a violin under my three-year-old chin. I loved it, it loved me, and then music ate up the next 15 years of my life.
Somehow, between practicing and lessons and concerts and competitions, I managed to fall in love with books too. I was the girl who always had a novel tucked into her violin case, because I just never knew when my mom was going to forget to pick me up from orchestra. In my mom's defense, this only happened when she was driving one of my siblings to a cello/piano/flute/ukulele lesson. (My family: think Malcolm in the Middle meets The Sound of Music. Basically, musical hooligans minus the leiderhosen.) Miraculously, I emerged from the pressure cooker of classical music unscathed. Or nearly. The raging insomnia lives on, but I have learned to embrace it.

At age 18, I moved to the States to attend Brigham Young University. I studied violin performance and English, because ever since my shameless plagiarism of the Velveteen Rabbit in third grade, I knew that I also wanted to write books. (And my literary masterpiece was so different, because it was about a stuffed owl.)
I loved every minute of my English classes, and even met my husband in one: Canadian Literature. I thought it would be interesting, and he thought it would be easy. I got an A. You'll have to ask him what he got.
In the following years I lived the nomadic life, working the kind of jobs one gets with a BA in English when one doesn't live anywhere longer than eight months: waitress, knitting instructor (for real), substitute teacher, symphony violinist, and even high school English teacher in a particularly desperate town. And of course, all the while, I was writing.

Enter offspring. I can't explain it, but having kids gave me the guts to sit down and write my first novel. Dozens of well-meaning mothers advised me: sleep when the baby sleeps! VIRTUOSITY is the product of my inability to follow that good advice. My second novel (title still finding itself) is also a naptime endeavor.
Find Jessica on her Website:
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