The Last Husband (Forever Love #2) by JS Cooper
Lucky wanted a guy to be her last boyfriend but she never counted on love not being enough.
Lucky Morgan fantasized about the hot guy from her diner for months. And when he offered her a dream job, she jumped at the chance to get to know him better.
Zane Beaumont was skeptical about love and guarded his heart. Even though he was falling for Lucky, he was still scared to fully let go. So he makes a decision that may ruin their once chance at happiness.
Both of their lives are turned upside down by some unexpected news and Lucky has to decide, once and for all, if Zane is the guy she wants to spend her forever with.
My Review
5 of 5 Zane and Lucky
Zane..... Zane.... Zane..... Lord have mercy I love me some crazy ass Zane. I loved The Last Boyfriend and The Last Husband picked up right where The Last Boyfriend ended. Zane loves Lucky but his past does not allow him to really show it. The loss of his brother has haunted him and he wants to get revenge and he will stop at nothing to get the person responsible for his brother's death. Zane sees Braydon Eagle and it sets him off because he holds Braydon responsible for his brother's death. But will the past secrets and lies break Zane and Lucky apart?
Lucky has let her guard down for Zane. She has knocked down every wall that she has set up against men. She loves Zane and wants a life with him. But she knows Zane is holding back. I mean he is an ass to her sometimes but his aloof nature is really starting to grate her the wrong way. but will Zane's past come back to destroy everything they have set up? Or will Lucky be strong and fight for her man?
I really loved the ups and downs of Zane and Lucky. Lucky really has come a long way from her hardened heart to let Zane in but Zane still keeps his secrets and they are coming back to haunt him. Will he be able to protect Lucky and keep her in the end? There is so many twists and turns I was not sure where this was going and at one point I was worried they would not get their happily ever after.
What will happen to Zane? What will happen to Lucky? Will they become a couple? Will Zane's past catch up to him only to destroy him? This is a summer beach must read series!
“Can I tell you something, Zane?” She pulled away from me with a sheepish grin and I ran my fingers along her collarbone, tracing the delicate lines carefully.
“You want me to tie you up?” I grinned and tried not to picture her tied up in the bed, begging me to take her.
“No thanks, Robert Grey.” She laughed.
“If my name was Christian, you’d say yes.”
“I think you’re obsessed with that book.”
“I do own the Kama Sutra.” Our eyes locked together and I continued running my hands along the side of her body. “We could learn some new moves and make our own book.”
“Fifty Shades of Zane?”
“The wonderful and mysterious sex life of Lucky.”
“Tying up Beaumont.”
“Morgan’s sex tips for the inexperienced.”
“How to….” She laughed. “You got me, I can’t think of anything else.”
“We can start on any of the books as soon as you want.” I brought her towards me again so she could feel my hardness against her leg. “And,” I continued, “if you want, we can get some handcuffs so you can do kinky things to me.”
“You wish.” She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Actually, I wanted to tell you that I hate your duvet cover.”

Author Bio:
J. S. Cooper was born in London, England and moved to Florida her last year of high school. After completing law school at the University of Iowa (from the sunshine to cold) she moved to Los Angeles to work for a Literacy non profit as an Americorp Vista. She then moved to New York to study the History of Education at Columbia University and took a job at a workers rights non profit upon graduation.
She enjoys long walks on the beach (or short), hot musicians, dogs, reading (duh) and lots of drama filled TV Shows.
“Are you okay, Zane?” I touched his shoulder and he glanced at me with emotion-filled eyes.
“You look beautiful, Lucky. Really beautiful.” He paused. “I just can’t quite believe you’re here.” He frowned. “Guys like me don’t get girls like you…”
“Girls like me?”
“The good ones, the special ones. I don’t even know if this moment is real. It doesn’t feel real. It doesn’t feel like my life. I’m so scared that someone is going to wake me from a dream and you won’t be here.”
“I feel the same way,” I whispered. “It just seems to all have happened so quickly.” I chewed on my lower lip and looked up at his handsome face from under my lashes. “I’m scared that something will go wrong.”
“So am I.” He cleared his throat and looked away. “I don’t know that I can be exactly what you need.”
“What do you mean?” My breath caught in my throat and I stared at him in fear. Was he breaking up with me already? Was the necklace a goodbye gift?
Fun Facts:
Lou's Burger Joint is based on a real diner a friend and I used to frequent in Miami Beach
Los Feliz is one of my favorite parts of Los Angeles and where I wrote my first book
All of my books are set in cities and States I have lived in.
I've always wanted to be a screenwriter
I love Bradley Cooper
I was born in London, England
I'm addicted to a website called blindgossip

. “Lucky, I know you want me, but we’re in public.” He grinned at me as we lay on our backs.
“You wish.” I shook my head and tried to sit up. He pulled me back down towards him and kissed me hard and I melted against him, enjoying the warm sweetness of his lips on mine.
He smiled as he pulled away from me and licked my lips. “You taste like honey.”
“It’s maple syrup.”
“Well, it’s good.” He leaned towards me again and ran his tongue over my bottom lip slowly. I stared into his eyes, and we sat there for a moment, just gazing at each other.
“Excuse me, excuse me! You guys can’t be on the bed doing that.” I looked up, embarrassed, and saw an elderly lady staring at us with a shocked expression. “You two need to get up off the bed. This is a reputable business, not a brothel.” She glared at us and I jumped up off of the bed quickly. Zane stood up slowly and smiled at the lady.
“Sorry, ma’am, my whore and I got a little carried away.”
“Zane!” I gasped and noticed the lady’s face turn red. She turned away from us mumbling something about how rude this generation was.
I turned on him and hissed, “Zane, how could you say that?” My face was still flushing a deep red and I wanted to sink into the ground.
“You know you’re not my whore, but what did that busybody expect after saying we thought this was a brothel?” He grinned and grabbed my hand. “Now let’s get these sheets and get out of here. I don’t think I’m made for Ikea.”

I Don't Love You Much Do I?- Guy Clark and Emmy-Lou Harris
If I Knew- Bruno Mars
Cupid- Sam Cooke
Breakeven- The Script
Lucky- Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
A Moon Song- David Berkeley
Here Comes The Sun Again- M Ward
Strangers in the night- Frank Sinatra

“You suck.” I rolled over to stare at him, my body still a quivering mess.
“Oh yeah?” He rolled over so he was facing me and his eyes sparkled. “I thought you liked it when I sucked?”
“You wish.” He reached over and kissed my nose. “You’ve got such a cute button nose, did you know that?”
“No.” I smiled back at him, staring into his eyes.
“I want to bite it, it’s so cute.”
“You want to bit everything.” I laughed.
“I do?” He smirked at me. “If you say so.”
“You love to bite.”
“I’d love to bite your butt.”
“What?” I looked at him curiously. “My butt?”
“Yeah.” He laughed. “Does that shock you?”
“You’d have to want to do a bit more than that to shock me.” I laughed. “A lot more.”
Author Favorites:
Favorite TV Shows- Big Brother, Revenge, Scandal, The Client List, Law and Order: SVU, Psych, Only Fools and Horses
Favorite Books- The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Favorite Movies- The Sound of Music, The Usual Suspects, Twilight, The Silver Linings Playbook
Favorite color- Yellow
Favorite place to relax- ocean
Lucky Favorites
1. History books
2. Making brownies
3. Reggae music
4. Chi silk infusium
5. Bubble baths
Zane Favorites
1. Cheeseburgers
2. William Wordsworth
3. Dexter the TV show
4. Supporting Lucky
5. Songwriting
Grand Prize Giveaway:
iPad Mini, the Last Husband Swag Bag, 3 signed paperbacks of the Last Husband
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