Twenty-year-old Maggie Roads’ parents are legendary in the country music world. She wants nothing more than to follow their example, but the limelight is not reserved for singers who cannot carry a tune, let alone keep a rhythm.
When her parents tell her they are getting divorced, Maggie decides it’s time to leave home and take her future into her own hands. Moving in with Cole, her best friend and sometimes boyfriend might not be the best of ideas, but she has to start somewhere.
Their off-and-on romance gets even more complicated when Maggie crushes on her new voice teacher, Nathan, who unlocks her stunning potential.
A sensational music career of her own is finally within reach, but Maggie might need more than perfect pitch to find what she is really looking for.
My Review
5 of 5 Out Of Tune
Oh man Out Of Tune had me on the edge of my seat. Michelle never ceases to amaze me when it comes to her writing because she always takes me on this journey that I love so much I don't want it to end. Reading this book had me there and then some.
Maggie Roads is a talented song writer and the daughter of legendary country singers. She would love to sing but she can't hold a note and is tone deaf to boot so she does what comes next and that is write songs. But her hearts desire is to be a singer and she knows what she has to do to get there but is not sure if she can actual do it. But then she gets some disturbing news about her parents and she knows it is time to move on and put on her big panties and do what she has to do to reach her dream.
She leaves her parents home to move in with her best friend and sometimes boyfriend Cole. it isn't the best situation but it is something for her to start with. So she moves in and hires a voice coach so she can fulfill her life long dreams of becoming a singer. As she spend more and more time with her voice coach Nathan she is so crushing on him and it seems that Nathan may have some feelings for Maggie as well.
But what will Maggie do because she has Cole but she wants Nathan and then her parents going through their stuff and last but not least she wants to sing. She wants to sing her heart out so bad that she willing to do whatever it takes to make that dream come true.
Will she stay out of tune or will she tune in!
Cole’s steady beat on the drums relaxed her. She could feel his eyes on her as she played, but she did not turn around. He would never know what this meant to her. She had wanted and dreaded this moment forever. She could only imagine what tomorrow would be like, with an audience full of strangers.
She closed her eyes as the music flowed into her. Iza came in on her fiddle, her notes weaving in and out like bright threads in a tapestry. Justin started singing the first lines and she tapped her foot, counting like Nathan had taught her. “Every beat is a physical thing,” he had said. “See the music, feel it, just like you’ve done your whole life. Pearls on a string—let each one slide through your fingers. Measured.”
Mandolin line. Then the bass started. Maggie’s turn.
When she came in, her voice was louder and stronger than it had ever been. Justin’s voice filled her up like honey. She swam through it, adding her own to his. Maybe he was a womanizer and constantly looking at her like he wanted to get her in bed, but he was an amazing singer. They smiled at each other as they melted into the song.
She had never been inside music like this before. The stage lights sparkled in her eyes and she understood for the first time in her life why musicians put up with all that travelling and recording, and the stressful nights like when her mom was puking her guts out with the flu—the real flu—but had to go on stage in five minutes. Maggie remembered her smiling as she wiped her mouth and shrugged. “It’s part of the singin’ life, hon. We don’t always get breaks when we need them.” She had patted Maggie on her twelve-year-old head and squared her shoulders as her makeup artist dusted some powder over her pale cheeks. Then she had left for the stage in a flutter of sequins and curls.
6 Good Reasons to Chase Your Dreams No Matter What
“I believe ardently that you should drop everything and run toward your true self.” -Kyran Pittman
My novel Out of Tune is about chasing your dreams despite everything and everyone going against you—when you know without a doubt it’s your passion and what you want. Because Out of Tune was with my publisher when they closed their doors, it’s a bit crazy that it was my dream to get it published and now that dream was crumbling beneath me. When I realized what my novel is actually about, I decided to publish it anyway. Myself. Here’s some reasons why.
Your dreams say a lot about who you are and how you shape your life. Why let them sit by the wayside if so much hinges on them?
Chasing your dreams does not mean you have to be irresponsible. Believe it or not, it is possible to work toward your dreams with a day job or simply learning to live with less, etc.
“The only thing that stands between a man and what he really wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.” -Richard DeVos.
Achieving your dreams isn’t supposed to be easy. That’s why everyone says chase your dreams, not lazily grab them and smile.
Seek out the right people in your life who will support you and your dreams. If you’re having a very hard time, the reason might be lack of support. Treasure those who do support you.
And if you don’t know your passion/dream, Oprah Winfrey has a great quote about that. “If you don’t know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it.”
DREAMS ARE IMPORTANT – even the ones as simple as finding love and keeping it. I dare say they are the lifeblood of motivation, the key to discovering happiness, and the way we can truly discover what we’re made of. So keep chasing, and when you do catch your dream, treasure it, and then maybe even find another.
December 2nd – Kelly at Kelly P's Blog – Spotlight/Excerpt
December 2nd – Laura at The Revolving Bookcase – Review, Top 10, Playlist
December 3rd – Mandy at I read Indie – Playlist
December 3rd – abookandalatee at ABookAndALatee – Review
December 4th – Reading Renee – Review
December 4th– Mission To Read – Review
December 4th – alwaysjoart – Playlist, Top Ten
December 5th– Katelyn at Kate's Tales of Books and Bands – Review & Playlist
December 5th – Unconventional Librarian – Character Interview
December 5th – A Diary of a Book Addict – Review, Spotlight
December 6th– A Little Hope Amidst The Chaos – Guest Post
December 6th– Inkfever –Review
December 9th– Author JA Bennett – Guest Post
December 9th– Literary Lunes – Interview, Guest Post
December 10th– Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews – Spotlight
December 10th– Jess at Jess Resides Here – Playlist, Top Ten
December 10th– Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – Review
December 11th– Mythical Books – Review
December 11th– Our New Generation For Reading – Review
December 12th– Now is Gone – Review
December 12th– Laurel's Leaves – Guest Post
December 13th– Culture Shock – Review
December 13th– Creative Barbwire – Guest Post
Michelle lives and writes in Utah, surrounded by the Rocky Mountains. She adores cheese, chocolate, sushi, and lots of ethnic food, and loves to read and write books in the time she grabs between her sword-wielding husband and energetic daughter.
She believes a simple life is the best life.
Michelle writes contemporary Young Adult and New Adult fiction (and other genres when she feels like it).
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Thanks so much for being a part of the tour! You've done a beautiful job. :)
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