For Immediate Release
Jake Biondi to release fifth installment
of his best-selling ‘BOYSTOWN’ series on June 1
‘BOYSTOWN Season Five’ cover reveal scheduled for May 1
‘BOYSTOWN’ series author Jake Biondi has revealed the release date for the highly-anticipated fifth book of his ‘BOYSTOWN’ series. ‘BOYSTOWN Season Five’ will be released on June 1, 2016. The cover for the book, which will once again be designed by Michael Vargas, will be revealed on May 1, 2016.
“The wait is nearly over,” Biondi told fans of his ‘BOYSTOWN’ book series. “Due to the amazing success of the first four books in the series, fans from all over the world have been asking me when the fifth book will be released. They want to know what’s coming next for their favorite characters and couples. Well, their questions are about to be answered.”
Biondi added, “I am so grateful for my readers and their positive response to the series. I regularly receive notes from fans who are connecting with the characters and want to know what the future holds for them. The broad appeal of the book series is incredible. ‘BOYSTOWN’ has a really diverse audience.”
Biondi promises that readers won’t be disappointed. “’Season Five’ picks up right where book four left off and reveals the deaths of at least two major characters. While I won’t reveal who lives and who dies, I will say this: lives and relationships will be forever changed.” Biondi also previews that ‘BOYSTOWN Season Five’ continues the storylines from the first four books while introducing new ones -- and some great new characters, too.
As in his other books, Biondi “pays it forward” by featuring some of his favorite performers in ‘BOYSTOWN Season Five.’ Biondi is “thrilled” to again present sensational singer Chadwick Stadt in the ‘BOYSTOWN’ series. “Chadwick is a dear friend and a phenomenal performer, so it’s an honor for me to be able to showcase his talent again in ‘Season Five,’” Biondi said. Stadt added, "It's so exciting to be included in such a great book series that will have you turning page after page!"
‘Season Five’ also welcomes back the ‘Whiskey & Cherries’ trio, singer Amy Armstrong, and pop sensation Steve Grand. “Meredith, Danielle, and I are thrilled to again be written into the ‘BOYSTOWN’ series. It’s always exciting to read about yourself interacting with the primary characters and being a part of the never-ending twists and turns in the brilliant plot line,” said Brian Felder of W&C.
The ‘BOYSTOWN’ series has a fascinating history. It began as an online story released in installments, each ending with a cliffhanger that left readers wondering what would happen to their favorite characters. Enthusiastic ‘BOYSTOWN’ fans from all over the world petitioned Biondi to release the installments more quickly; they simply couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. Overwhelmed by and grateful for the fans’ responses to the series, Biondi began to write more quickly.
In 2013, Biondi published the first ten ‘episodes’ in book form as ‘BOYSTOWN Season One.’ ‘BOYSTOWN Season Two’ was released in July of 2014; ‘BOYSTOWN Season Three’ was released in May of 2015; and ‘BOYSTOWN Season Four’ was released on November 13, 2015. Now, ‘BOYSTOWN Season Five’ answers readers’ questions and, of course, provides even more twists and turns for fans.
Like the first four books, ‘BOYSTOWN Season Five’ will be available at bookstores across the country as well at online at,, and itunes. The series is available in paperback, audio book, and all e-book formats. Readers may order autographed paperback copies of the books directly from ‘Season Five’ is currently available for pre-order on Kindle and iTunes.
Biondi will reveal the book cover of ‘BOYSTOWN Season Five’ on May 1.
Biondi is currently working with two television producers who are interested in bringing the ‘BOYSTOWN’ series to television. Biondi remains optimistic that fans all over the world will soon be able to watch their favorite ‘BOYSTOWN’ characters in action on television.
For additional information or to schedule an interview with author Jake Biondi, please send an email to
# # #
One of the most diverse and lively neighborhoods in the country, Chicago's BOYSTOWN has something for everyone. So it's no wonder that Jesse Morgan and Cole O'Brien chose to live there upon graduating from college. Ready to begin the next phase of their lives in an exciting new city, Jesse and Cole quickly find themselves at the center of a new group of friends. Joyelle and Derek Mancini have been happily married for years, but Derek is harboring a secret that could tear them apart. Derek's brother Emmett is about to discover that his boyfriend Keith Colgan has a past that will haunt them both. Long time couple Logan Pryce and Max Taylor must face a crisis that neither of them expected. And, before they realize it, Jesse and Cole find themselves at the center of it all in the adult playground known as BOYSTOWN.
“As the others scrambled, two more gunshots were fired, echoing throughout the room. Blood splattered on the wall and floor as three bodies fell to the ground.” --BOYSTOWN Season One
In the aftermath of the warehouse shootings, lives are forever changed and relationships are forever altered. As the families of the victims work to put the horrific event behind them, they find themselves at the center of an even larger plan for revenge.
Ciancio twins Marco and Gino are as handsome as they are powerful -- and they arrive in Boystown with a scheme rooted in the bad history between the Ciancio and Mancini families.
At the same time, Keith Colgan seems hell-bent on getting back the boyfriend he believes was stolen from him, Ben Donovan continues with his plan for Jacqueline Morgan and her son Jesse, and a stranger from the past threatens the future.
It all leads up to a spectacular New Year’s Eve engagement party that no one will ever forget.
Welcome back to BOYSTOWN!
“As the bomb exploded, it filled the area with thick, black smoke and flaming debris. It would be a while before the smoke cleared and hotel security could see the extent of the damage. Everyone hoped it would be the best new year ever.” BOYSTOWN Season Two
It’s a race against time to save those caught in the New Year’s Eve explosion. The survivors may not be the lucky ones as they struggle to restore normalcy to their lives. As the smoke clears, families are torn apart and lives are permanently altered.
Even more dangerous than the bomb, the Mancini-Ciancio feud heats up as family members fight for control and survival. At the same time, Jesse Morgan faces the fallout from his plan to break up his mother and her husband, Keith Colgan works to keep his past from destroying his future, Rachel Carson begins a plan that may have deadly consequences, and the search for the fourth Mancini brother reveals secrets that threaten to tear relationships apart forever.
It all culminates in a fabulous fundraiser like none that anyone in Boystown has ever experienced.
Welcome home to BOYSTOWN!
“From outside the building, flames could be seen and yells could be heard. In the distance, the sound of fire truck sirens gradually grew louder. As the club windows shattered, fire and smoke emerged, working their way up into the sky. The wind pushed the smoke across nearby blocks quickly and it soon passed over the area where Derek’s bloody body rested on the ground. The moon hung high over the city of Chicago, casting its warm glow on everything beneath it.”
-BOYSTOWN Season Three
The horrific night club fire leaves lives and relationships forever scarred. As the flames die down and the smoke clears, survivors struggle to rebuild. At the same time, the race to save Derek Mancini and to bring his shooter to justice begins -- while the search to identify the new Mancini brother continues.
More catastrophic than the fire, a special birthday celebration propels lives in dangerous directions. While some work to end the Mancini-Ciancio feud permanently, others use it as motivation to put a life-threatening plan in place. Meanwhile, two couples prepare for their weddings, one couple struggles to survive its secrets, and a new couple forms an alliance that will ultimately destroy several people around them. Plus, the arrival of a new doctor and his son to Boystown impacts the lives of everyone they meet.
It all builds up to a wedding weekend that will leave the lives of Boystown residents in peril.
There’s no place like BOYSTOWN!
Season One is now on Audible

About The Author:
Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, Jake Biondi fell in love with "The Windy City" at an early age. He left the Chicago area for four years to attend the University of Notre Dame, from which he graduated with degrees in English and Business. He was awarded the university’s prestigious William Mitchell Award for Playwriting. Upon graduating from Notre Dame, Biondi returned to Chicago where he attended and graduated from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law. He has been living in Chicago's Boystown neighborhood for over 20 years.
While studying literature, Biondi became a huge fan of Charles Dickens whose novels were originally released in installments, each ending in a cliffhanger to keep readers coming back for more. Because of his love of those novels as well as television dramas such as Dynasty, Knots Landing, Dallas, and Revenge, Jake Biondi decided to create a serialized saga for contemporary audiences. Thus, the BOYSTOWN series was born.
Biondi began BOYSTOWN in June of 2013 as an online story and intended to release one "episode" online per month, each ending in a cliffhanger. The story became so popular -- and the online reading audience grew so quickly -- that people from all over the country began to email him demanding to know what happened to their favorite characters and wanting the episodes to be released faster. They also had suggestions for future storylines. Excited by and grateful for his readers’ responses to BOYSTOWN, Biondi began to write and release installments more quickly.
In November of 2013, Biondi moved BOYSTOWN offline and published the first ten installments in book form as BOYSTOWN Season One. The book became an international hit, with fans all over the globe clamoring for more. BOYSTOWN Season Two was published in July of 2014 and BOYSTOWN Season Three was released on May 1, 2015.
Because of the popularity of the book series, fans have suggested that BOYSTOWN be turned into a television series. Biondi recently completed the TV scripts for the first season of BOYSTOWN and hopes to bring the series to television in the very near future.
Welcome to BOYSTOWN.
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