Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lady Reader's Book Stuff Tours Presents These Gentle Wounds by Helene Dunbar Blog Tour Stop

Release Date: May 8, 2014 
Paperback, 312 pages 
Publisher: Flux 
Genre: Contemporary Fiction / Tough Issues / PTSD

Sometimes I wish I’d lost a leg or something. 

Everyone can understand that.

 They never get it when what’s been broken is inside your head. 

Five years after an unspeakable tragedy that changed him forever, Gordie Allen has made a new home with his half-brother Kevin. 

Their arrangement works since Kevin is the only person who can protect Gordie at school and keep him focused on getting his life back on track. 

But just when it seems like things are becoming normal, Gordie’s biological father comes back into the picture, demanding a place in his life. 

Now there’s nothing to stop Gordie from falling into a tailspin that could cost him everything—including his relationship with Sarah, the first girl he’s trusted with the truth. 

With his world spinning out of control, the only one who can help Gordie is himself . . . if he can find the strength to confront the past and take back his future.

My Review

5 of 5 Healing Wounds

These Gentle Wounds is an AMAZING story and one I will re-read for years to come. I have someone who is very close to me and near and dear to my heart who suffers from PTSD and I have to say reading this book had me crying so hard because I know his struggle is like Gordie's struggle and I often wonder if he will ever get help or trust someone like Gordie did.

This is a story about a 15 year old bot who has suffered a horrible tragedy at such a young age. After the tragedy he goes to live with his older brother Kevin and let me tell you something Kevin is everything a brother should be. He steps right in and takes care of Gordie and is there for him through thick and thin. Kevin is gordie's protector and will continue to be that as long as Gordie will let him.

Then Gordie meets Sarah and man oh man I love her because she is everything Gordie needs. She loves him with such selflessness that I cried during some parts because she was strong for the both of them and they were able to open and love freely even though Gordie was scared he trusted Sarah and she loved him like no one's business.

I can't say enough about this book but I will say this it is A MUST READ! You will fall in love with Gordie & Sarah & Kevin.

Thank you Amy for allowing me to read this beautiful story early!

Character Profile: Kevin 

I’ve had a couple of readers ask me to write more about Kevin (my main character Gordie’s older brother), so I thought I’d take this opportunity to do so because there’s usually a secondary character in my work who captures my imagination and in These Gentle Wounds, that character is Kevin. 

On one hand, he’s Gordie’s best friend, his protector, his older brother. He holds Gordie’s world together for him. On the other hand Kevin has, admittedly, a bit of an anger management issue. He’s defined himself by Gordie’s trauma and his role in it and many of his actions are driven by his guilt for not being there to stop what happened. 

The thing is, Kevin is seventeen. And what no one in his world (including him) focuses on is that Gordie’s mom was his also. They share that loss. The three kids who died were his half-siblings. He deals with things in a completely different manner than Gordie does, but it isn’t necessarily a healthier way, even though, on the outside, he might look like he was unscathed by everything that happened. Gordie allows himself to settle into the role of victim sometimes, but Kevin is a type of denial about the entire thing to the point that he won’t ever talk about it. When I started writing a Gordie/Kevin conversation (which are my favorites in the book) and Kevin said something about cooking, a light bulb went off in my head. Kevin isn’t the type to throw himself into schoolwork. If he did, maybe he’d be a chemistry buff. Instead, he’s into molecular gastronomy which is a form of cooking that uses science to pretty dramatic results. The food ends up being surprising and interesting and unexpected and there is a great deal of mastery needed from the person making it. It seemed to be the perfect combination of spectacle and control that someone like Kevin would gravitate towards. Because not being in control is probably Kevin’s greatest fear.

Purchase Links:

April 14th – DanaSquare – Review

April 15h – The Reader and The Chef – Review

April 16th – Angie's Reading Dungeon – Review/Playlist

April 16th – Alice Marvels – Review

April 17th – Escaping One Book at a Time – Review/Guest Post

April 17th – Dizneee's World of Books – Review/Top Ten

April 18h – The Happy Booker – Review/Guest Post

April 18th – Loving The Language of Literacy – Review/Playlist

April 18th – Our Wolves Den – Review

April 21st – A Bump On A Log – Review

April 22nd – – Review

April 23rd – A Diary of A Book Addict – Review/Top Ten

April 24th – Books & Chocolates – Review

April 24th – What A Nerd Girl Says – Review

April 24th – Chelsea's Reading Adventures – Review

April 25th – The-Society.Net – Review

April 25th – Books With Bite – Review

April 25th – Curling Up With A Good Book– Review/Character Profile

Helene Dunbar usually writes features about fiddles and accordions for Irish Music Magazine, but she’s also been known to write about court cases, theater, and Native American Indian tribes. 

She's lived in two countries, six states, and is currently holed up in Nashville with her husband, daughter, two cats, and the world’s friendliest golden retriever.

THESE GENTLE WOUNDS is Helene’s debut novel with Flux Books.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Heavan Sent Promotions Presents Songbird Caged By Lisa Edward

Tara has made a promise.

A promise to wait six months for Riley to come home from his tour of duty, so they can be together.

But as secrets and lies are uncovered, it leads Tara to question their commitment, and she is finding it difficult to keep that promise.

The distance between them is growing, and only one person can fill the void, Tara’s best friend Cole.

As Cole tries to support Tara, he is struggling with demons of his own, that threaten to tear him away from the life he has built for himself. 

After devastating news is received, who will be there to pick up the pieces?

Songbird Caged is an amazing amazing just simply AMAZING read! To say that I love it is an understatement. I have to say that Lisa Edward has manage to do what few authors have and that is to bring me a sleepless night thinking about the characters and where things were going and where they went and the ending good God almighty women I threw my kindle on the bed in tears like what the holy mother lover of all cliff hangers but I did not care because I was on such a roller coaster ride I could not get enough!

Tara has made a promise to Riley a promise quite frankly I don't know if I could do it but she made a promise to wait for him until he is back from his tour duty. Okay sounds easy but she is lonely and there is so much going on that she soon finds herself needing someone. And yes if you are following this series like a stalker well like me you know we have a bad boy that I would love to have my way with because he is so bad and does what he wants and who he wants until he sees someone he wants and can't have her.

That bad boy is Cole and I love him to pieces. I love a love triangle that makes you squirm in your seat and has you so unsure of who to root for man I have to say that this is it because I love love Riley to pieces but dam did Lisa have me rooting for Cole and that sultry voice! This is such an amazing series that will leave you speechless and breathless and have you rooting for all three before you know it. 

Lisa I need book three like ASAP like are to breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!

“I’d like to take you out.”

I looked at Cole, slightly amused. “We go out all the time.”

“No, we go to your place, we come here. We go to the gym, for a run on the beach, or we go to Songbirds. We don’t go out.”

We were sitting on Cole’s couch in his apartment, looking at light fittings for Reds on the Internet.

He was wringing his hands. “Would you like to go out with me?” he asked.

I frowned. “What, like on a date?”

“If that’s what you want to call it. I don’t know, I’ve never been on a date. But if going out to dinner and then a club together is a date, then sure, let’s call it a date.”

I looked at him warily. “You do know I’m engaged, right? You haven’t forgotten?”

He shrugged. “In theory. But there’s no harm in letting me take you out. I mean, officially take you out—on a date.”

I had to think about this for a minute. Was it asking for trouble to let him believe we could actually date when I had made a commitment to Riley?

“You know, even if you pay for dinner, I’m not going to sleep with you,” I said with a smile.

“So what’s the point of paying for dinner, then?” he asked cheekily. He took hold of my hands in his. “I wouldn’t expect you to sleep with anyone on a first date. You’re not that kind of girl.”

I exhaled slowly, weighing up how to respond. “Okay, we can go out on three conditions.”

He nodded.

“Firstly, we need to have other people there, so maybe Marcus and Nicole can come with us.”

“Like a double date,” he said, teasingly.

I chuckled, and shook my head. “Secondly, you have to stop calling it a date.”

He grinned at me cheekily.

“Thirdly, you have to wear your Calvin Klein jeans, the ones that fit your butt really well.”


I awoke with a start. 

My arm had gone to sleep from laying on it all night, and my face was squished into someone’s neck. It was Cole’s. I inhaled his warm cedar and musk scent. Even after sleeping on the couch all night, he smelt unbelievable.

Sitting up, I moved my head from side to side, trying to stretch out the kinks.

“Good morning, sleepy head. Did you just sniff me again?”

I looked down at Cole. He was grinning up at me as I rubbed my shoulders and numb arm.

“Good morning,” I replied with a groan, as I stretched my arms over my head. “You know I’m staying here so I don’t have to sleep on a couch. Kind of defeats the purpose, spending the night out here.”

He sat up and started rubbing my arm, trying to get the blood to flow back into it. 

“I disagree. I’m sure I’m much more comfortable to lay on than your lumpy couch.” He moved his attention to my shoulders, and I sighed. “Besides, it’s not every day I have someone dribble all down my neck.” 

I wiped my hand across my cheek. It was damp. Oh my God, I had dribbled in my sleep. I checked Cole’s neck and quickly wiped it dry. 

“You should be used to it,” I said, trying to make light of the embarrassing situation. “You have girls drooling over you everywhere you go.” 

He chuckled. “No one who matters.” He took my hand away from his now dry neck and held it. “Until now, that is.”

Every relationship changes you, some for the better, others can shatter your confidence and almost destroy you.

For the musically talented, twenty-four year old Tara O’Connell, her relationship with Stephen almost broke her, until Tara found the strength to leave.

Now she is on the road to discovering that it is never too late to pursue your dreams and follow your heart. 

As Tara’s self-belief grows, she meets two men she is instantly drawn to who will change her life forever. 

Corporal Riley Hammond is a soldier in the Australian Military Special Forces. With his smiling sapphire blue eyes, Tara falls for him instantly. He is thoughtful and caring, and gives her the support and love she needs.

While Cole Michaels is the overconfident singer in a popular local band. His charisma, emerald green eyes, tattoos and piercing, have girls falling at his feet. But while Cole pushes 
Tara’s buttons, he also pushes her to reach for the stars.

Both men couldn’t be more polar opposites, but both offer Tara different qualities that she needs to fulfill her destiny. 

As Tara continues her journey, she will discover fate can offer you more than one path. Her fate is in her own hands, and the choices she makes, will shape her life forever.

First I would like to give a HUGE Thank You to Lisa Edwards for allowing me to read her book. Life was a little hectic and I read it but never did the review as you can see on my currently reading list it is HUGE because I have read so many books and have not posted the reviews yet. So I want to personally say I am so sorry for not posting this review sooner.

To say that this book is EXCELLENT and a must read is an understatement. Anyone who has had a loved one go into the army or any branch of the army or navy will love this book because the main character Tara is so effing faithful to her special forces man I love it! 

Tara our main character is 24 years old and she loves music. The girl can sing like no ones business but she gives it all up to be with a guy Stephen she thinks she loves. Stephens nothing more than a big old meany being rude and abusing Tara all the time. Soon Tara has had enough and she gets the courage to leave him. That is where the story gets so good and I mean I laughed, I cried my eyes out, and I screamed at my kindle because the emotional roller coaster I went through was one hell of a ride!

Tara meets two gorgeous guys that sweep her off her feet but she meets Riley Hammond first and he is a Corporal in the Australian Special forces. Riley is a great guy and he loves Tara so much. Riley builds Tara up and helps her with everything as much as he can because he is away a lot because of the military. But that is okay because Tara has her best friends and her singing and another HOT guy to help her get herself back on track and stay there.

See Tara also has a hot singer in a popular indie band named Cole. He is gorgeous, smart and witty and they share the same love of music. Cole is patient and kind to Tara and they share so much that at first I was like hell she should start dating him but her heart is with Riley and I loved both guys that my heart was literally split in two because I could not choose which guy I loved more and I love when a story does that to me because I am left wondering what is going to happen and in this case I need books two like yesterday.

Book two is coming out soon and the name of it is Songbird Caged.... What do you guys think about the name???????? I love it!

For a limited time, purchase Songbird for only $0.99! 

While Lisa Edward has called Melbourne Australia home for her entire life, she has lived and worked in England, and travelled through most parts of Europe and the United States. 

She loves nothing more than spending time with her husband and beautiful daughter, or curling up into the early hours of the morning with a great novel.

 By day, Lisa works in the analytical IT field, so relishes the opportunity to foster her creative side through writing. 

Her deep appreciation for literature was nurtured from a young age, being taught to respect books and get lost in their stories.

 She enjoys reading honest and realistic novels that are relatable, thought provoking and leave a lasting impression. 

She can’t write without music playing, using the emotions from different songs to invoke that of her characters.

 Lisa takes inspiration from her own life experiences, the people around her and those she has met in her travels. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Breaking Alexandria by K.A. Robinson Blog Tour Stop


Alexandria’s drug-dealing boyfriend, Joel, isn’t exactly the white knight she’s always dreamed of, but she can’t deny the crazy connection they have. She would do anything for him, including helping him sell drugs in order to fit perfectly into his world. 

After catching Alexandria dealing for Joel, instead of turning her into the cops, Alexandria’s mother forces her to move to her grandparents’ farm in West Virginia. Spending the summer in the country, away from Joel, is the last thing Alexandria wants to do. But lucky for her, the sexy farmhand, Landon, who helps out around her grandparents’ place, is a very nice distraction. She tries her best to ignore her attraction to him, especially since she still loves Joel. 

When Joel does the unforgivable, Alexandria turns to her new friend, Landon, for comfort, and it ignites an undeniable spark of attraction between them. Soon, she finds herself caught between two very different men, and the struggles within her heart just might end up breaking Alexandria.

Purchase Links:

Barnes & Nobles:


My Review

5 of 5 Breaking Alexandria

Want to talk about an amazing story... well this is it. I mean I was rendered speechless after reading this book. K.A. has a way of doing that to me but with Lexi & Joel & Landon I just could not get enough. I was at the edge of my seat the entire time wanting no needing to turn the pages fast to see what was going to happen next.

Lexi is in love with Joel the bad boy. She will do anything to be with him and when she has to chose between him or nothing she goes for broke and starts selling drugs for him. They have this push and pull sort of relationship if you can call it that because Lexi sacrifices everything she is and her character to be with Joel. Selling drugs and acting bad ass which she knows she is not is just a few sacrifices to be with Joel. But when she gets busted selling drugs her parents give her an option go to your grandparents house for the summer or they turn Joel in. Of course she is devastated but she knows her parents mean business and she does not want Joel to get in trouble so she goes to her grandparents house in West Virginia.

Once she arrives Lexi realizes that her grandparents are no nonsense and they will make her earn her keep. They have a farm hand Landon and he works hard for what he has. As he begins to teach Lexi the farm she begins to have feelings for him and as hard as she fights them because she loves Joel she is having a hard time. Then Joel does something and Lexi leans on Landon and the sparks ignite and holy hell this is where the book gets wild and I mean WILD! This is a must read for everyone who loves those stories where nothing is as it seems and no matter what you think it always ends up something else. MUST READ!




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K.A. Robinson is the New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author of The Torn Series and The Ties Series. She lives in a small town in West Virginia with her husband and toddler son. When she isn't writing, she is reading or listening to rock music. 


If there were a medal for sneaking out of the house without getting caught the most times, I’d be the recipient for sure. I smiled to myself as I slowly slid open my bedroom window. I glanced down to the yard below. It was illuminated by the streetlight across the road from our house. I squinted as I looked around, checking for movement of any kind.


"You’re mine, and I intend to keep it that way for as long as you want me. I keep waiting for the day when you’ll wake up and realize that you’re so much better than me.”

I shoved him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. “Shut up. I’m not better than you. You’re fucking perfect, Joel. Perfect.”

-Joel & Lexi

I’d prefer to be stomped to death by a cow rather than spend the day stuck with my grandpa, but I didn’t think I should tell him that.


While I had admitted earlier that Landon was cute, nothing had prepared me to see him shirtless and wet in the pool. It was obvious that he’d dived under right before I came out. His hair was dripping wet, and water glistened as it ran down his chest and stomach. I knew I was standing there with my mouth hanging open, but at that moment, I didn’t possess the ability to close it.

“Whatever. Even when you’re tired, you never shut up.”
I stuck my tongue out at him. “Are you trying to tell me that I talk too much?”
“Nah. If you talked too much, I’d just put duct tape over your mouth.”
“At least you’re honest,” I grumbled.

- Landon and Lexi

“Relax, okay? I’m not going to try to do dirty things to you in the back of a movie theater.” He paused for a second. “Unless you want me to.”
“Shut up and watch the movie.”

-Landon and Lexi

Other books by K.A. Robinson:

Torn Series:




Ties Series:

Shattered Ties:

Twisted Ties: 

Giveaway link: