So as a treat her is two sneak peaks between the main characters Karlie and Shane.......
In this scene Karlie is questioning Shane about his father:
He looked very nervous. “That’s why this whole thing needs to be kept secret. My Dad wants
you dead. He can’t know about us meeting like this. It really isn’t safe for you Karlie. I just had to see
“But he said you were going to kill me.” This can’t be real. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.
“I can’t Karlie. Don’t you see? I’ve come to care for you deeply. No matter how much distance I put between us, this feeling grows stronger.” His eyes met mine. “I know that I could not stand to live in a world that you’re not a part of.”
My heart melted at the words he said. I have wanted to hear those words since the first day I seen his beautiful green eyes from across the room… But it didn’t last long. His father wanted me dead.
The thought scared me.
This scene is Karlie and Shane dancing at a party, interrupted by Shane's father:
“Don’t worry. You are completely safe with me.” Shane put his arm around me and pulled me out to the dance floor.
With Shane I lose myself. I forget that he’s half-demon. I forget that I’m the chosen one. I forget the world where vampires, werewolves and demons exist. I forget his Dad wants me dead. It’s just me and him – and for that moment I feel special. I feel normal.
I could feel my heart race as Shane dips his head down to mine. When his lips touch mine I feel like my heart is going to explode. In that moment I almost let myself dream of a future with him.
Before I get to deep in my thoughts a terrible feeling comes over me. I pulled back from Shane’s embrace to see his Dad standing beside us.
“Hello Karlie,” his voice was full of hate as he said my name.
I grabbed Shane’s hand and did the only thing I knew to do… I ran.
16 year old Karlie has had a pretty normal life... But when her Mom dies she is force to move over 1,000 miles away to live with her Dad. That's when things start getting weird.
She can't explain the earthquakes that nobody else feels, or why she no longer sleeps. But most of all she doesn't know why she trusts Shane so much, even though his Dad wants her dead.
Suddenly, Karlie's normal life is turned upside down and she enters a world she never dreamed could really exist.
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I am a returning resident to Arkansas. I just migrated south from Saint Louis, MO with my husband. We have almost been married a year. :)
I am the author of the book:When Destiny Knocks, Destiny Saga Book #1 and also the upcoming book My Fairytale Life, Vampire Hunter Series Book #1.
I love to write. I have been writing since I was a kid - literally. I decided in the 2nd grade I would write a book. I wrote lots of stories and poems... And did I mention I wrote over 200 songs? (Yeah, I'm a musician too). So I wrote my very first novel at the ripe age of 14... My Mom still has it :-/. Ok, so maybe it wasn't my best work, but I had a LOT of fun writing it!
I started college at the young age of 17. (I graduated high school at 16). And my English papers were always a hit in my classroom. Somebody told me "you should make that story into a book". I pushed it to the back of my mind... Until recently.
I LOVE TO READ. Besides writing it is my absolute favorite thing to do.
I love the TV series: Supernatural and Vampire Diaries... More like obsessed. I have seen every episode of Supernatural EVER. And I'm waiting for Season 3 of the Vampire Diaries to come out on Blue Ray... It's killing me.
I play music. I have played the guitar for 10 years, bass for 8 and drums for about 9. I use to play guitar in a band. We were actually good. But my bass player got pregnant and my drummer got engaged. And I decided music wasn't my "main" passion anymore.
I would love to talk to you! If you have any more questions or you want to talk feel free to contact me! :) I LOVE YOU ALL!
When Destiny Knocks is FINALLY available for purchase on Amazon! You can buy it HERE!.
Also, I hit publish on B&N, I will let you know when it's available for Nook!
I seriously can not even begin to explain how excited I am right now! I really feel like my dreams are coming true! :)
I hope you all enjoy my book! Let me know what you think!
You can find Karlie Here:
Twitter: @heatherstiara

I am a returning resident to Arkansas. I just migrated south from Saint Louis, MO with my husband. We have almost been married a year. :)
I am the author of the book:When Destiny Knocks, Destiny Saga Book #1 and also the upcoming book My Fairytale Life, Vampire Hunter Series Book #1.
I love to write. I have been writing since I was a kid - literally. I decided in the 2nd grade I would write a book. I wrote lots of stories and poems... And did I mention I wrote over 200 songs? (Yeah, I'm a musician too). So I wrote my very first novel at the ripe age of 14... My Mom still has it :-/. Ok, so maybe it wasn't my best work, but I had a LOT of fun writing it!
I started college at the young age of 17. (I graduated high school at 16). And my English papers were always a hit in my classroom. Somebody told me "you should make that story into a book". I pushed it to the back of my mind... Until recently.
I LOVE TO READ. Besides writing it is my absolute favorite thing to do.
I love the TV series: Supernatural and Vampire Diaries... More like obsessed. I have seen every episode of Supernatural EVER. And I'm waiting for Season 3 of the Vampire Diaries to come out on Blue Ray... It's killing me.
I play music. I have played the guitar for 10 years, bass for 8 and drums for about 9. I use to play guitar in a band. We were actually good. But my bass player got pregnant and my drummer got engaged. And I decided music wasn't my "main" passion anymore.
I would love to talk to you! If you have any more questions or you want to talk feel free to contact me! :) I LOVE YOU ALL!
When Destiny Knocks is FINALLY available for purchase on Amazon! You can buy it HERE!.
Also, I hit publish on B&N, I will let you know when it's available for Nook!
I seriously can not even begin to explain how excited I am right now! I really feel like my dreams are coming true! :)
I hope you all enjoy my book! Let me know what you think!
You can find Karlie Here:
Twitter: @heatherstiara
Thank you, thank you, thank you SOOOO MUCH for having me!!! :)
Your Welcome and Happy Release Day!
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