About The Book:
One girl. Two stories. Meet Fiona Doyle. The thick ridges of scar tissue on her face are from an accident twelve years ago. Fiona has notebooks full of songs she’s written about her frustrations, her dreams, and about her massive crush on beautiful uber-jock Trent McKinnon. If she can’t even find the courage to look Trent straight in his beautiful blue eyes, she sure isn’t brave enough to play or sing any of her songs in public. But something’s changing in Fiona. She can’t be defined by her scars anymore.
And what if there hadn’t been an accident? Meet Fi Doyle. Fi is the top-rated female high school lacrosse player in the state, heading straight to Northwestern on a full ride. She’s got more important things to deal with than her best friend Trent McKinnon, who’s been different ever since the kiss. When her luck goes south, even lacrosse can’t define her anymore. When you’ve always been the best at something, one dumb move can screw everything up. Can Fi fight back?
Hasn’t everyone wondered what if? In this daring debut novel, Moriah McStay gives us the rare opportunity to see what might have happened if things were different. Maybe luck determines our paths. But maybe it’s who we are that determines our luck.
Okay first I have to give Moriah a hug KUDOS for the cover. I loved it and it fits the story perfectly.
This review is going to be so hard for me to write without spoilers because I loved how everything flowed so smooth together and you get two stories for the price of one. This is a story that had me crying and laughing because it is about the what if's for one girl and I felt for her because Lord knows I have had days like that where I say what if I did this differently.
Fiona is our main character. She was scarred on her face as a child and she is tired of everyone always having pity for her and wanting to help her. She is scarred not crippled but people just flock to her so she starts to write down her thoughts of what if and this is where we get Fi who is perfect and scare free. She is care free and plays Lacrosse and goes to a great college but even Fi has something happen to her and she must deal with that.
Would she rather be Fi or Fiona? What happens when the rubber burns the road? Who will Fiona choose reality or make believe. Sometimes it is easier to have a made up life than face the pain and hurt. This is a must read! You have to see what happens to Fiona and Fi.

About The Author:
I grew up in Memphis, TN, so I love music and friend pickles in the deepest part of my soul. My hair has been every style and color imaginable (except for pink, though I still may try that one.)
I went to college in Chicago. My freshman year, I had to get written permission from all my professors to take final exams early, as I was needed home to be a Princess in the Cotton Carnival. There were about thirty of us princesses, and we all wore the same pink, floor-length, pleated taffeta gown. At all the parties, we looked like a school of giant, land-based shrimp.
I had picked Northwestern for its Creative Writing program. I’m still unclear where I veered off-course, and how I ended up with a BA in economics. It took me two graduate degrees and seven jobs before I came back around to writing. After a few years of churning out some downright awful novels, I finally got the hang of it. Now that I write full-time, the noisy characters in my head are much easier to control.
I love Mr. Darcy, guacamole, Hob Nobs, indie music, consignment stores, Harry Potter, and love stories. I’m really not a fan of shopping, heights or spicy food. I suck at reading directions; however, I’m an excellent parallel parker. Like, excellent.
I live in Memphis with my husband and three daughters. To date, none have expressed interest in being a Princess in Cotton Carnival, though one has had blue hair.
If you want me:
Twitter: @moriahmcstay
Facebook: Moriah McStay
For written communication (and to get swag) send a SASE to:
Moriah McStay
PO Box 40898
Memphis, TN 38174-0898
If you want my agent:
Steven Chudney
The Chudney Agency
72 North State Road, Suite 501
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
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