Raine Sky is a woman who desires balance and new direction in her life. Longing to escape reality and love again, she journeys to a mysterious island where she is transformed and living out her deepest fantasies.
Daughter of Cherokee Indian decent, she is intrigued by nature, fascinated in the supernatural and science behind magic. Her stunning blue eyes, wild thick hair and spellbound look captivate an islander. He pulls her into his world and simulates her with his energy of love and passion. It’s there that she discovers her true desires and gains insight and knowledge of the spiritual connection in the world around her.
Interview With C.L. Cloud
Today I want to give a warm welcome to author C.L. Cloud who is the author of Indian Summer. I had the pleasure of reading this book and I have to say that I am in LOVE with Raine and Eden. I have never read a story that both made me laugh and cry and want more. Thank you C.L. for stopping by and sharing this wonderful world with us.
First I would like to ask you how you came up with Eden? What inspired you to write such a great world?
I love the ocean, tropical climates and environments but I also wanted Eden to be a mysterious place that pulls you in and makes you want more of what it has to offer. Eden is a source of energy through the power of the elements of the universe. I have always wanted to write a fantasy that integrated Cherokee Native American spiritual beliefs with my personal life experiences.
Is this story written after a true life experience?
Yes, my father was almost full blooded Cherokee and the experience of losing my father to cancer is what inspired the reality of Raine and how she is in a painful place in her life spiraling out of emotional control from her life experiences. I’ve recently reunited with my birth mother and have found true bliss from that experience so I wanted to incorporate that into the story of Raine. My great great grandmother was a Cherokee healer and I have always been fascinated with her story and knowledge.
Is Raine created after someone close to you?
Yes – a lot of her experiences are directly related to my life. I have found that I have some interesting life experiences so why not share them.
What exactly does the mood oils do for Raine?
I found that perfume if it’s the right scent will transform a person instantly and that is why I created the fragrances and used them in the novel. It’s not until the second novel that Raine truly understands what Mood does for her and the effects it has on men…

What inspired you to write Amethyst as a main character?
I wanted the blonde hair, blue eyed, sun kissed guy that is truly good and is a positive influence.

Do you practice the ways of the Cherokee Indians?
Yes in some ways, I believe that good brings rewards and evil brings punishment. My fascination runs deep in spiritual practices to maintain balance and harmony in life, a cleansing ceremony to restore balance, plus my fascination with herbs and crystals.
Are you an herbalist?
Not entirely, but I’m very interested in the healing and magical properties of herbs. I feel people need to become back in tune with Mother Nature and what wonderful gifts we have available all around us. Modern medicine has clouded its common knowledge. I study herbalism regularly.
What is the significance of the elixir that Raine and Amethyst drink?
Well Eden is the island of great natural powers and the elixirs are used to heal as opposed to harm us as we use alcohol in reality. Crystals have incredible powers and elixirs made with certain crystals have healing energy effects. Some are toxic so we have to be careful. It’s just now starting to come to the forefront and I’m sure you will start hearing more about it soon. My hope is to have my novel shed some light on the power of energy and how it’s the essence of all things. Making the connection…
Can you tell us a little more about Talon? I loved his character because he is sort of a bad boy but is he misunderstood?
Without giving away the ending I have to say that Talon is the magnetic force of temptation. Talon’s purpose is not what you think until you come to the end of the story. His tattoo implies who he is and that is when Raine starts to piece it together. She thinks he’s misunderstood until she realizes who he is and what purpose he serves.
What is his tattoo on his back?
Again, I can’t give this away but its spread across his back in black ink and once she sees it, it all starts to make sense.
What is Takalia? Is she a shaman or a psychic?
Tikalia is a psychic and witch. She helps guide Raine.
Can you tell us a little more about Amethyst and why he was able to see Raine and be with her? I love his character so much. He is everything a man should be.
Eden is full of surprises and Amethyst is her spiritual guide in Eden for her awareness. True Amethyst stone has many incredible healing properties and is a powerful protective stone. It helps restore your Third Eye Chakra (Which means it is the color of indigo representing the search or obtainment of one’s spiritual purpose. It’s also involved with our intuition and our inner seeing, our higher consciousness, emotional and spiritual love center.) Amethyst guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting from harm. Plus it helps sooth stress, calms and stimulates the mind, to become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. He’s the kind of man she needs in her life.
Was Amethyst jealous of Talon?
Amethyst knows what Talon is and why he is there to harm Raine. He’s not jealous but protective.
This is my last question I promise; please tell me that this is not the end of Raine and Eden? I need more of them and that elixir!
No it’s not the end, she has much more to discover and learn on another journey to Eden. Thank you for enjoying it so much. My hope is for others to enjoy her journey and discover the power of earth elements.
Thank you C.L. for stopping by and sharing your story with us. Have a great day!
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