Eleven years ago, Stella and Jeanie disappeared. Stella came back. Jeanie never did.
Now all she wants is a summer full of cove days, friends, and her gorgeous crush—until a fresh corpse leads Stella down a path of ancient evil and secrets.
Stella believes remembering what happened to Jeanie will save her. It won’t.
She used to know better than to believe in what slinks through the shadows. Not anymore.
Holy Hades be prepared to be creeped out by this book because it was really creepy and scary all at the same time. I was reading this book in the dark to so I was like I need to turn on a lamp because lordy lordy I started to really get scared.
This unique story is about two best friends who disappear for only one to come back and the other to stay missing. The one who comes back only wants to live a normal life but people are always looking at her and wondering what happened to her best friend and why she came out and her best friend did not.
Then as things get semi normal a fresh corpse appears and has Stella scared because it takes her down a path of evil and secrets so ancient she does not understand why they bother her so. When Jeanie disappeared she was only six years old. She was out picking strawberries with Stella. Stella is starting to wonder if remembering what happened to her and Jeanie will save her but can't imagine the evil leaving her alone as it follows her and calls to her.
Stella will have to remember what happened to her and Jeanie when they disappeared and what they encountered and why she survived. All she knows is that a little red head girl has washed up in the graveyard and that triggers the memories of Stella who was redheaded and all the missing redheaded girls in town. What happened to them will CREEP you out.........

About Author:
Hello and thanks for exploring my website! Here’s a little about me: I live in a small town in Northern California. Although my town is fringed by forests and foothills like the town of Savage in THE CREEPING, it doesn’t have as many secrets (I think) or as dark of a history (fingers crossed).
THE CREEPING, a young adult thriller, is my first novel. I enjoy writing about teens because I think they’re smart, have grit, are excited about engaging with the world, and are every bit as complex and dynamic as adults are.
Although I didn’t study to be a writer at school, I have been writing short stories and inventing characters since my fifth grade camp in the redwoods. I was an undergraduate at Mills College, where I studied International Relations, and earned a graduate degree from the University of San Francisco, where I studied the invisible forces that make people and governments behave as they do.
In addition to writing fiction, I love discovering new things, traveling (so far Istanbul is my favorite, Ho Chi Minh my least), sourdough bread, trees, lighthouses, seven layer cakes (who doesn’t?), reading the news, music (the kind that makes your chest swell), adventures (some risky, some not-so-much), being silly with my sister, and my (partner in crime) husband.
I don’t like spiders, anchovies, swimming in lakes (give me the ocean), chipped nail polish (although mine are often chipped), writing my bio, sunburns, or (much more seriously) inequality.
I am represented by Brianne Johnson of Writers House.
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